Thursday 29 December 2011

Duniawi seorang remaja

  hello guys , may i introduce myself . my name is Siti Rasyidah binti Ramlee . i'm 15 years old , on 26 march 2012 i became 16 years old . i simple person , ugly , not to like make up , for me , just take some powder and lipstick  is enough . no need to blusher eyes , check and whatever laa , i like simple and neutral . my hobby is reading novel about love . i also like drawing and writing too . you dont like ? do i care . 
   now , i freedom from secular couple , it very boring for me , yes right , boring .. because , couple must everyday topup , couple must everyday to hold to phones , couple must everyday calling and massage eah other . and many laa , now i single , i feel many difrent couple and single , now i put my phone whatever place i like , i topup whatever time i like , i go many places easy and peacefully . not to affaird again with boyfriends err><'. , i freedom !now i want fokus for my responsibility as teenager and students , no playing playing after this , i dont want waste my time again , i want study hard , try to the best 2012 ! oh yeahh ,

   i'm is fussy person . i like man who is nice and not to much romantic , i also like man sporting and like to joking each other , so sweet ~ i like it , but now i have promise to myself to not believe any man after this , until a pair of me came to my life . Insyaalah , if Allah permit it , so , for you you man , dont think that i hate your multitude , but i just not ready to trust you , Sorry :( . but dont worrry , we can friend , a friendship is very expensive for everything , . u understand what i mean it , okay , may i translate it , " sebuah persahabatan lebih mahal dari segalanya " understand kans ? :) dont worry , i not arrogant , i is polite girl . you dont trust ? try to speak with me , i definite achieve your admonitions :) . selamat mencuba :)
    Okay , have u know me now , okay , nice to introduce myself to all of the reading , if u not understand what i write , nevermind , for me you all the best because you to undertake your time to reading my bloggers . thanks you so much ! muahhh :-* for the reading ,  Oh yeahh ,  okay , stop for a while , i want rest and sleep satisfied peaceful , okay bye :))